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Selling jewelry is an age-old tradition that can be both exciting and profitable.

Whether you are looking to sell a single piece or your entire jewelry collection, there are several places from where you can get the best deal for your jewels.

Depending on the type of jewelry you have and what kind of sale you want, you can decide whether to go for a local jewelry shop, pawn shop, consignment store, online auction site, or an international retailer.

The best part about selling jewelry is that you can get a good profit margin even after factoring in the costs of goods, shipping, and commission fees. You can find the best place to sell jewelry near you with careful research.

What are the Best Places To Sell Jewelry Near Me?

There are several options for selling jewelry near you, including:

Local Jewelry Store

If you are looking for a more traditional option close to home, there are always local jewelry stores in your area.

Jewelry stores have buyers that buy jewelry as well as sell it. They have an experienced staff with expert knowledge of the industry and can give you an estimate of what your piece could fetch on the market.

One of the advantages of selling to a local jewelry store is that they can take care of all the details for you. Most will buy your jewelry outright, often offering a cash payment on the spot for the items you sell.

Remember that this type of service often has a lower payout than some other options available.

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Local Cash for Gold Store

Another great option for selling jewelry is at a local cash-for-gold store or a coin shop. You can use these shops to turn your jewelry into cash quickly and conveniently.

These shops offer appraisals and often will give you an estimate of how much money you could receive for your jewelry on the spot.

When you go to one of these stores, it is important to know that they are typically not certified jewelers and do not use any type of certification process when appraising your items.

As a result, they may not offer you as much money as if you had gone to a professional jeweler or another option like an auction house.


Pawnshops are another option when it comes to selling your jewelry. Pawnshops typically offer money upfront for jewelry and watches, requiring no appraisal.

The advantage of selling to a pawnshop is that they can typically offer more money than some of the other options because they do not have to pay for an appraisal or any other services that an auction house or consignment shop would have to offer.

However, remember that pawnshops are typically designed for short-term loans and may not be willing to buy your item outright.

Auction Houses

Auction houses can be another great place to sell your jewelry if you want to get the most money possible.

They will typically require that you provide an appraisal or certification from an expert jeweler to determine your item’s value before it is sold at auction.

This process can be lengthy, but ultimately it will get you more money than if you had gone with another option like a pawnshop or cash-for-gold store.

Additionally, fees may be associated with the auction house, so make sure you understand what those might be before selling through them. 

Consignment Shop 

Consignment shops may be an attractive option with less hassle than other methods for those who don’t have time or don’t want to wait until their item sells at auction.

They will take your item and put it up for sale in their shop or online, and when it sells, they will take a percentage of the sale price as their commission fee.

This option can be great if you want someone else to take care of all of the details for you and don’t want to wait until your item sells at auction, but beware that consignment shops may also charge fees and commissions, which cut into your profits. 

Online Marketplaces 

Online marketplaces such as eBay, Etsy, and Craigslist are becoming increasingly popular for selling jewelry, especially when trying to reach a larger audience than your local area.

These are my usual go-to places to sell my shoes for cash or loose diamonds, but if you’re not sure about your jewelry value I’d stay away from these platforms and go with professional jewelry buyers instead.

Selling on these platforms is fairly easy and requires minimal effort from the seller’s side. However, steps are still involved, such as taking clear photos and writing good descriptions that accurately represent your product.

Additionally, these sites often charge fees that can cut into any profits made from selling on them, so make sure you understand what those costs are before committing to one particular site. 

Professional Jewelry Buyers Online 

Professional jewelry buyers online are:

  • DiamondsUSA
  • WP Diamonds
  • Cash for Gold USA
  • Cash for Silver USA

These platforms can be a great alternative for those looking for convenience and easier transactions without any hassle.

These buyers often specialize in buying only certain items or specific brands, so make sure you do your research before committing to any one buyer.

Professional buyers typically require appraisals to offer accurate estimates, so make sure you understand what documents they need before proceeding with any transaction so that there aren’t any surprises down the line.

Additionally, many buyers will charge fees associated with their services, so it’s important to know those costs.

How do to find out how much the jewelry is worth?

If you are looking to value your jewelry, the best way to do so is by taking it to a qualified appraiser or gemologist.

They can assess its value based on factors such as its craftsmanship, materials, and market conditions. Alternatively, you can research online for similar pieces, look for auction prices, and compare those values to your piece.


The best places to sell jewelry near me depending on the type of jewelry sold and the location. Selling on platforms like eBay, Etsy, and other online marketplaces can be great for newer jewelry makers.

In contrast, consignment stores, estate sales, and auction houses are better for more established sources.

Additionally, physical retail stores, such as pawn shops and jewelers, provide more personal resources. Ultimately, the best place to sell jewelry near you comes down to what works best for you and your business.

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