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Many mothers are deciding to leave the workforce so they can spend more time with their children and save money on daycare costs. From 2022 to 2023, the number of stay-at-home moms nearly doubled. Adjusting to living on one salary when you’re used to being a dual income household can be difficult, especially amidst record inflation. If you want to earn some extra income to support your family without sacrificing time with your kids, here are four ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom. 

4 Ways to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Become a Clothing Reseller 

If you love fashion and clothes shopping, you can turn your passion into a side hustle by becoming a clothing reseller. You can often find name-brand clothes and accessories at thrift stores and flip them for a profit on resale websites like Poshmark, Depop, eBay, and Mercari. Your kids can even come with you to the thrift store so you don’t have to arrange childcare for them. 

Creating product listings is easy and can be done on your own schedule. All you have to do is write a short description for the item, measure its dimensions, and take a few quick photos. The only time-sensitive elements of this side hustle are making sure you respond to messages from customers promptly and ship out sold items within a day or two. 

If clothing isn’t your area of expertise, you can also flip other items commonly found at the thrift store, such as electronics or collectibles. According to ZipRecruiter, the average reseller earns $32 per hour, so reselling is one of the best ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom. 

Work as a Virtual Assistant 

Stay-at-home moms are masters at organization and administration. You can apply the skills you’ve gained working as the manager of your household by becoming a virtual assistant. 

Virtual assistants help their clients with various tasks such as scheduling meetings, booking travel, posting on social media, and responding to emails. Some virtual assistants also offer help with more specialized tasks like bookkeeping and graphic design. The more services you can offer, the better, so this job is perfect for you if you’re a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. 

Virtual assistants make an average of $27 per hour and can generally set their own schedule. If you can only work when the kids are napping or sleeping, many clients won’t mind as long as you get your tasks done. You can search for clients in professional Facebook groups and on job websites like Indeed, FlexJobs, and LinkedIn. Don’t forget to let everyone in your network know that you’re a virtual assistant as word-of-mouth can be a powerful marketing tool. 

Launch a Crafting Business 

Most stay-at-home moms are pros at crafts. Over the years you’ve likely learned how to sew costumes for your children’s plays and knit baby blankets for all your mom friends. You can turn that creativity into cash by starting a crafting business from home. 

There’s huge demand for a wide variety of crafts on Etsy, including cosplay costumes, jewelry, handmade stuffed animals, and even digital downloads like greeting cards and budget spreadsheets. You can also sell your wares on Amazon Handmade, on Facebook Marketplace, and at local craft fairs and farmer’s markets. 

It’s important to market yourself so your ideal customer base can find you. Posting on social media sites like Instagram and TikTok regularly and participating in internet trends can help your crafting business gain exposure, followers, and sales. To tap into your local market, consider joining your city’s chamber of commerce, donating some of your items to charity auctions in your area, and advertising in local newspapers and media. 

Start an In-Home Daycare

Did you know that you can open a daycare in your own home? One of the best ways for stay-at-home moms to make money is to start an in-home childcare center. To become a licensed childcare provider, you’ll usually need to register with your state and carry liability insurance. 

You’ll also need to childproof your home and potentially undergo some childcare training. It’s also important to consider how you’ll provide enough educational enrichment to a larger group of children. It may be easier to entertain the kids in your care if you have a backyard where they can run around or a big playroom with ample toys. 

Although this side hustle has a higher barrier to entry, it’s still a great way for stay-at-home moms to make money while spending time with their kids. You won’t be able to give your kids as much individualized attention because you’ll be watching a bigger group of children. However, starting a daycare can give your kids more socialization opportunities and help you support your family financially, so it may be a good option for you.

What are your favorite ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom? Share your tips in the comments! 

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Vicky Monroe
Vicky Monroe

Vicky Monroe is a freelance personal finance and lifestyle writer. When she’s not busy writing about her favorite money saving hacks or tinkering with her budget spreadsheets, she likes to travel, garden, and cook healthy vegetarian meals.

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