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Everyone dreams of having a lot of money.

There’s no denying that making money is not an easy venture, but you have surely heard “Dreams don’t work unless you do”. 

Before you earn a lot, you need some place to start. However, with so many people offering advice on how to make money, it’s easy to become perplexed and have no sense of where to start. In reality, starting your money-making venture can begin from as low as $100. 

Sounds too good to be true, right? 

Read on as this guide hands you practical advice on how to flip 100 Dollars. So, without any further ado, let’s get going! 


While the costs to start a blog are minimal, they have a very high income potential, making them a great place to start your money making adventure with $100. Ie. This particular blog started with less than $100 back in 2017

Begin by adding creative and informational content to your blog. Adding informational content to your blog adds value and will bring traffic toward it. Do your due diligence and develop a content strategy that focuses on the trending topics. 

Once you have a strategy that lets you offer quality content, the next step is to monetize the blog by enabling ad services such as Google AdSense and Mediavine. Apart from the ads, some other ways to monetize a blog include: 

  • Adding affiliate links 
  • Paid subscriptions 
  • Email Newsletters 

However, blogging requires you to invest time, effort while maintaining the quality of the content. The profits you make through blogging will vary based on the topic, content, and effort invested in putting the blog together. 

In short, blogging is a great passive income and can earn you a great return on your $100 if done right.

Flipping Stuff

You may have heard people say “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, and flipping items is a practical implementation of this saying. 

The best part about flipping is that you don’t need to stick to anything in particular. Consider your preferences and choose your pick. All you need to do is find something, buy it for lower prices, make the necessary renovations, and enjoy the profit. 

To make the most out of your $100 investment, start by looking for unneeded stuff around your house. It could be your old TV, board games, or a portrait lying in the attic. But if you don’t find anything to sell in your house, scavenge the nearby antique shops and garage sales. You can also buy items from thrift stores like the Goodwill Outlets to buy many things well within your budget. 

Once you have the items, spend a few dollars on reconditioning them, and you are all set. Turning to platforms like OfferUp can help you make huge profits and maximize your $100 investment! 

Real Estate

When we talk investments, real estate is a no brainer. Investing in real estate has always been regarded as a strong investment and has turned up huge profits for it’s investors. 

But is it possible to get into real estate with just $100? 

Fundrise, a platform for investing in rental properties says yes. Fundrise is a real estate platform that allows you to invest in residential properties nationwide with a $10 minimum. They pay quarterly dividends made from the revenue generated by the properties you invest in. 

With such platforms, all you need to do is invest your money and let them handle the rest. While it may vary from property to property, you can expect an average 5.29% return on your investment. 

Say goodbye to the old days of waiting and saving money to invest in real estate properties. Start today and enjoy marginal returns on your $100 investment! 

Starting a Business

While $100 dollars may not be enough to set up a fancy front store, they are more than enough to start your own business online! Actually, there are many businesses you can start with zero investment.

With rapid developments in the digital market, starting an online business is as easy as having social media pages , a blog, and a well-desgined website. 

The vital step, however, is to think about the business you are planning to start. If you harbor digital skills like programming or SEO, all you need is a website, a portfolio, and some connections to earn profit on your $100 investment.

Apart from the digital skills, you can also sell courses about something you’re good at. For instance, if you are a guitarist, you can use your website to sell your guitar course covering everything that a beginner needs to know. 

However, if your mind is more inclined towards selling a specific product that requires more than $100, spend some time learning about dropshipping. 

Regardless of what you choose, the availability of so many services at reasonable prices has made it easy to run an online business. Who knows, starting an online business could be the start of something big for you! 

Investing in yourself

There is no better way to invest than investing in yourself. Not only does Self-investment lets you earn more and creates more opportunities, you also gain more knowledge which you can leverage to earn more money. 

Whether it be learning a new course, a new skill, hiring a life coach, or talking to a psychiatrist, self-investment can help you analyze your problems better and realize your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing about your weaknesses and strengths can help you improve your thinking process and think of lucrative ways of earning money. 

By investing in yourself, you can also learn some skills like programming, video editing, photo editing, or any profitable skill. You can advertise these services on Freelancing platforms like Fiverr and gain incremental profits from your $100 investment. 

Final Words

The ways to make money in today’s world are infinite. But with so many side hustles and options present, it gets puzzling to decide in which basket should you lay the eggs. 

While many people believe that making money requires spending some money, the reality is quite contradictory. Above are some lucrative ways of flipping your $100 Dollars into money streams and generate that big bank balance everyone dreams about. 

So, take the plunge today and try out one of these methods suggested by financial experts. Leveraging one of these methods will help you bring considerable profits on your $100 and will help you develop a stable money-generation scheme. We hope the information in this guide helps you sail the boat to your money-making journey!

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